California Cannabis Lawyer | Cultiva Law
Knee Braces Used for Support When a person has to use a knee brace it is generally used to reduce pain, promote a quick recovery from some type of injury,…
Social Equity Applicant update for Illinois Dispensary Applications?!?! 10 Full Time Employees
New Successful Treatment of Piles Without Surgery Piles (hemorrhoids) are swellings or mass of swollen veins that develop inside and around the back passage (anus). Symptoms of piles include bleeding…
International Church of Cannabis
What Purpose Does A Pain Clinic Serve? When a primary doctor refers their patient to a pain clinic, the first question they may have is “What is this going to…
How to Plan a Cannabis Event | EventHi
Questions to Ask Your Hip Surgeon What are the questions that you need to ask your hip surgeon before making the final choice? You may be surprised to know that…
How to Sue for a Cannabis License – Illinois, Missouri & Florida marijuana litigation examples
Overuse and Throwing Injuries of the Elbow Overuse injuries of the elbow can cause pain and other problems in the forearm, wrist and hand along with the elbow itself. These…
Sunday Sesh
How to Prevent Hip Flexor Pain While Running Runners have been plagued by hip flexor injuries since the beginning of time, which is why it is important to understand how…
Smart Approaches to Marijuana (SAM) & Kevin Sabet – are really dumb.
Myofascial Release Could Be The Answer To Chronic Pain If you have persistent muscle pain and knots that don’t go away, you may have myofascial pain syndrome. Learn about myofascial…
Cannabis Banking Consultant – How to get a bank account for your cannabis business – FinCEN SARs
Alternative Treatment for Degenerative Disk Disease Intervertebral discs are the cushions of cartilage in between every vertebra in the spine. If the spine experiences even the smallest amount of trauma…
Pot Prisoners and COVID-19
How Simple Is a Lumbar Laminectomy Procedure? Undergoing a lumbar laminectomy procedure involves removing a little bit of bone to free up a nerve root that is getting pinched. It…
Emergency Cannabis Small Business Health and Safety Act Covid-19 relief bill for Cannabis Businesses
The Basics of Rotator Cuff Disease The rotator cuff entails four muscles around the shoulder which heavily contribute to shoulder stability. These 4 muscles include the subscapularis muscle, which moves…