Illinois Cannabis News with Chillinois and CannaKweens

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Obesity and Lower Back Pain

For years, doctors have linked obesity and lower back pain together. Obese patients who complained of pain were told they would have to lose weight in order to have relief but recent studies show that this may not be the case.

Top Hip Pain Symptoms That You Need to Watch Out For

The hips are in the middle of gravitational pressure in the body and hold lots of a person’s body weight. Discomfort in this region can be hard to manage since this discomfort triggers further complications. It is essential to identify the hip pain symptoms so you can seek proper treatment if needed.

Ouch! Appendix Pain!

Many people often ask– what are the symptoms of appendicitis? In the quest to identify the source of their problems, it can be helpful to know. However, the symptoms of appendicitis are common issues amongst many other problems.

Sciatica Pain – Issues and Treatments

Sciatica pain can be an uncomfortable condition, created through pressure on the sciatic nerve. The sciatic nerve is the largest nerve in the body and runs from the lower back down both legs. The pain can be felt in the lower back, butt, legs or feet and can be a dull ache, a tingle, a numb feeling or acute pain.

Managing Your Stress Can Help You Manage Your Pain

Millions of Americans suffer from lower back pain often caused by herniated discs, arthritis or some type of injury. Many different forms of treatments are used to help relieve this type of pain that include medication, adjustments and therapy.

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