Hempfest News with Vivian McPeak

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Control Your Pain

Pain relief can actually be very natural when you remove your fear of it. Fear and frustration can cause pain to increase, so this exercise will help you become more allowing of any pain, whether physical or emotional. Removing all resistance to pain and allowing it to be there often leads to the pain dissolving.

How To Treat A Sprained Ankle

A sprained ankle can be a very painful and debilitating injury. Here are some tips to shorten the recovery time.

Risk and Side Effects of Hip Replacement

Total hip replacement is a surgical procedure which replaces a damaged hip joint with an artificial one made up of either metal or ceramic. The artificial joint is implanted into the healthy parts of the bone and it relieves pain, regain range of motion and get back to their usual daily activities without any limitations. As with all surgery, there are risks and side effects associated.

How Well Does Knee Microfracture Surgery Work for Pain Relief?

Knee microfracture surgery is meant to help individuals in pain resulting from a cartilage defect(s) in the knee. There are not great options for restoring one’s native cartilage, so the procedure has produced reasonably satisfactory results. A new study regarding knee microfracture surgery was recently presented at an international cartilage society meeting.

Experiencing Neck Pain Resulting From an Auto Accident?

At least once in a person’s life, he or she is bound to experience a car accident. No matter how light the severity of the accident is, experiencing neck pain since these accidents is a common problem for many. Anatomically, the spine and cervical region of the body is vulnerable to injuries due to whiplash. These injuries may happen in your tendons, muscles and ligaments in the neck can manifest through mild achy pain or complete disability in severe cases. A combination of neck pain and whiplash headaches can lead to a disrupted lifestyle which makes it a condition that necessitates the assistance of chiropractors.

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