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Examining Simple Home Remedies For a Toothache

Many of us are in agreement that one of the most painful episodes one can ever undergo whether they are a child or an adult is a persistent toothache. While there are many over-the-counter medications and ointments that claim to stop a toothache dead in its tracks, this is nevertheless one experience many of us would want to quickly forget.

Aloe Vera – Utilising Aloe Vera in the Treatment of Joint Pain in Humans and Animals

Unfortunately stiff, inflamed and painful joints are common place for many and ailments often deteriorate with the ageing process. If you are fed-up with traditional treatment methods that are failing to bring pain relief and ease of movement, you may be interested to hear about alternative therapies. This article focuses on how the healing qualities of the ‘aloe vera plant’ and its use in remedies of joint pain. The ancient Greeks called this amazing cactus-like looking plant the ‘ultimate panacea’, the ‘ultimate healer’. Hopefully, it will be your ‘ultimate healer’ and bring an end to joint pain for many sufferers.

Whiplash Quiz

How much do you really know about whiplash? Take this test and find out!

Chronic Shoulder and Neck Pains – A Menace No More

The shoulders support the neck through bones, muscles, arteries and veins, nerves, ligaments etc. That is why; it is seen, most of the time that pain in the shoulders gradually results in a pain in the neck and wise versa.

Treating Tennis Elbow With a Thera-Band FlexBar

Tennis elbow is a debilitating condition that leaves the sufferer to endure constant pain caused by the degeneration of the wrist-extensor tendon that connects to the elbow. It is a condition that tends to respond slowly to treatment so there has been a lot of research to try to find a method of treatment that would yield faster and more effective results.

Pain Relief Without Pills – Discover the Truth

If you’re someone who suffers from chronic pain, you’re probably quite used to the idea of regularly taking a pill for your pain relief. Well you’re not alone. According to the American Pain Foundation, more than 50 million American are plagued by some sort of chronic pain.

What Happens in a Whiplash Injury?

When a whiplash injury occurs after a rear shunt vehicle accident we usually think purely in terms of the acute injuries to the anatomical structures in the cervical spine or neck. This is an important issue but physiotherapists know that there is much more to it, as there are issues which occur in the nervous system which make the difference between the injury settling down quickly or becoming a long term or chronic pain problem.

Pain Relief – What Causes Pain in the Sternum Or Side? Costochondritis

What causes pain in the side or sternum? This is a common question presented to Medical Doctors and there are some explanations that are frequently given amongst which Costochondritis is one of the most common diagnoses.

Home Remedies For Foot Pain

Foot pain can have a number of causes from standing all day to wearing uncomfortable shoes. For home remedies for foot pain check out this article.

Free Yourself From Pain – Chiropractic Services Can Provide Joint, Neck, and Back Pain Relief

Chiropractic services can help relieve your pain. These doctors can help you get back to living your life free of back, neck, and joint pain!

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