5 Scariest Facts About the Cannabis Industry

5 Scariest Facts About the Cannabis Industry

Easy Steps on Sciatic Nerve Pain Relief If you have experienced burning or aching pain on your low back with weakness of the lower leg, you experience the most common…

SAFE Banking Act Back to Senate - Coronavirus & Safe Banking Act - CARES 2.0

SAFE Banking Act Back to Senate – Coronavirus & Safe Banking Act – CARES 2.0

Using Fluoroscopy in Pain Management Injections It is truly remarkable what fluoroscopy has done for the field of interventional pain management. Fluoroscopy is a fancy term for the x-ray machine…

Emergency Cannabis Small Business Health and Safety Act Covid-19 relief bill for Cannabis Businesses

Emergency Cannabis Small Business Health and Safety Act Covid-19 relief bill for Cannabis Businesses

The Basics of Rotator Cuff Disease The rotator cuff entails four muscles around the shoulder which heavily contribute to shoulder stability. These 4 muscles include the subscapularis muscle, which moves…

5 Biggest Threats to the Cannabis Industry in 2020

5 Biggest Threats to the Cannabis Industry in 2020

Common Heel Problems Heel pain is a major problem in the United States and becoming one of the most treated conditions. There are a couple of common heel pain causes…