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Warning: Your Pain May Be Caused By Trapped Emotions
Much of our suffering is due to negative emotional energies that have become trapped within us. The Emotion Code is a simple and powerful method of finding and releasing these trapped energies.
Reasons Why Chiropractic Care May Fail To Relieve Your Back PainIf chiropractic care doesn’t help your pain, it may not be the chiropractor’s fault. Learn what may be getting in the way of feeling results from chiropractic care.
How I Control FybromyalgiaMy name is Brian Carter and my wife Judith has Fibromyalgia. I don’t pretend to be an expert on Fibromyalgia but this is a story on our journey to find relief for Judith to improve her quality of life. While I am writing this article in the hope that it may help others with Fibromyalgia, it is by no means meant to be taken as expert advice.
How to Properly Diagnose Degenerative Disc Disease From Low Back PainDegenerative disc disease may cause debilitating low back pain. This can lead to lost time from work, the need for narcotic pain medication, along with a tough time playing with your kids. If you have significant low back pain from degenerative disc disease, how is it diagnosed by a doctor?
Advice on Knee Pain and Weakness From a Licensed ChiropractorWhy do so many people suffer from knee pain and what can we do to help ourselves? Are you tired of suffering from unexplained knee pain and told there is nothing you can do except live with it? Have you had surgeries on your knees and still have the same pain? So, there’s no pain but your knees still feel weak?
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