To Be Blunt – Chicago Reader – Lisa Solomon Mann

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Chiropractor or Doctor of Osteopathy? Which Is Right For You

While many people have heard of chiropractors, doctors of osteopathy are not as commonly discussed. Those who seek chiropractic care may be better of pursuing treatment from a Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine. Learn the differences between these medical professionals and make an informed decision as to which can better serve your needs.

Topical Medications Available for Localized Pain Management

In the world of pain management, typically one thinks of patients taking pills by mouth for pain relief. These would include such medications as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatories, narcotics, Tylenol, and there are some newer non-narcotic medications available. However, there are some topical medications available for pain management.

The Truth About Chiropractic Care and Auto Accident Injuries

Chiropractors use special manipulation techniques to relieve the spine of pressure that can cause aches, pains and even other symptoms. The fact that chiropractic care is considered to be a type of alternative medicine emphasizing on diagnosing, treating and preventing disorders of the spine and muscular and skeletal systems may be a little misleading. Chiropractors are actually primary care medical professionals not unlike other specialists like dentists or ear, nose and throat doctors.

How to Control Your Pain

Pain is something that is complex and inevitable. It causes people to suffer on a daily basis and search for different ways to alleviate their aches. There are several options available for suffers.

Alternative Treatments and Pain Reduction Methods for Fibromyalgia and Myofascial Pain Syndrome

Not everyone is happy to fill their bodies with prescription and over-the-counter drug medications to keep the symptoms of fibromyalgia and myofascial pain syndrome at bay, and not surprisingly given the range of distressing and sometimes dangerous side-effects that many drugs can cause. The lack of understanding of these two very common conditions, however, often means that medical practitioners are unaware of the possible alternatives or complements to traditional forms of medication and so they rely on the latter as their sole form of treatment. However, achieving effective pain relief does not have to mean popping pills which in some…

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