Illinois Cannabis News with Chillinois and CannaKweens

Illinois Cannabis News with Chillinois and CannaKweens

Obesity and Lower Back Pain For years, doctors have linked obesity and lower back pain together. Obese patients who complained of pain were told they would have to lose weight…

Illinois Weed Laws – Review of Cannabis Regulation & Tax Act | Chicago Marijuana legalization

Illinois Weed Laws – Review of Cannabis Regulation & Tax Act | Chicago Marijuana legalization

TMJ Pain Remedies TMJ pain can be debilitating. There are some very basic TMJ remedies available at the tip of your fingers that not only relieve TMJ pain, are easy…

Where to Buy Cannabis on New Year’s Day in Illinois

Where to Buy Cannabis on New Year’s Day in Illinois

Helpful Tips to Prevent An Infected Finger If you don’t want to suffer from serious finger infection, deal with your infected finger right away. An infected finger has no sign…