Marijuana Banking Could Be In Next COVID Package, New Mexico Senators File Two Legalization Bills

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Rotator Cuff Pain

Last week I talked about wrist pain and how carpal tunnel has more issues within the shoulder, yet I did not make a video of the driver inside the shoulder. So today, I am going to mesh the worlds of rotator cuff pain and what I have talked about in the previous week.

Tips to Help Prevent Knee Pain and Injuries

Your knees take a lot of abuse during the course of your day to day life. Learn how to prevent knee pain before it becomes a major orthopedic issue.

All You Need To Know About Hot and Cold Pack Contrast Therapy

Hot and cold packs are known to be a safe and efficient way of managing pain. However, few people know the benefits or the procedure to use both hot and cold packs to relieve pain in the affected area, otherwise known as contrast therapy. Contrast therapy is essentially managing pain, reducing inflammation and enhancing recovery by alternating between hot and cold pack therapy in a repetitive manner. This type of therapy proves to be more effective in chronic pain relief than using hot pack or cold pack therapy on its own.

What Results Will Stem Cell Therapy Bring About?

Traditional surgery isn’t the only way to heal from an ACL injury. You can now opt for stem cell therapy to restore any damage and get rid of the pain.

Will Stem Cell Therapy Help Repair Your ACL Injury?

Tearing your knee’s anterior cruciate ligament, or ACL as it’s commonly referred to, is one of the most painful injuries anyone can endure. Not only is this injury associated with all the agony that comes along with it, but also its long healing process.

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