How to Go From Pounds Per Light to Grams Per Square Foot

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Using Cognitive Behavioral Theory For Pain Management and Insomnia

Cognitive Behavioral Theory, more commonly known as Cognitive behavioral therapy, CBT for short, has been found to help insomnia in older patients suffering with the pain (not to mention the disturbed sleep) of osteoarthritis according to new work appearing in the August 15, 2009 issue of the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine. Cognitive behavioral therapy emphasizes the key role our thoughts play in how we feel and what we do – our thoughts (not things outside ourselves such as people, situations and events) cause our feelings and behaviors.

How to Deal With Sciatica

Sciatica is often referred to as phantom pain. It can range from a dull ache to a sharp pain anywhere from the buttocks, down the leg and sometimes into the foot and toes. So what causes it and how can it best be treated?

Basics of Whiplash and Automobile Accidents

Have you recently been in an automobile accident? Read more about whiplash and auto accident treatment and care.

Electro Acupuncture Works For Pain Management – So How Do I Choose the Right Device?

Electro Acupuncture has increasingly been talked about as a wonderful home-based pain management tool. What options are available to pain sufferers and how should they choose the one most suitable for them?

Pain Management – Does it Mean Giving Up Hope of Being Pain Free? Pt 1

This is a subject very close to my heart and I’ve decided to write a series on it. I’m going to detail my experience in chronic pain, and my journey to acceptance. This is very much a work in progress, and am open to any tips and ideas you may have.

Loved Ones and Chronic Pain

They were not pleased I stopped trying because ‘I was giving up’. According to them, there had to be more tests to have, there had to be another alternative treatment to try. I need to try their acupuncturist, as the one I went to must have been rubbish.

Dealing With Shin Splint Pain

I remember in my younger days I used to be an avid running. I used to run up to 13 to 14 kilometers per day. I was also extremely fit too. But one day, when I was doing some sprinting exercises, I started to encounter shooting pain in the front of my legs.

Sprained Ankle Causes and Treatments

A twisted ankle is very painful. This is caused by the tearing of one or more ligaments in your feet. This is also known as a sprain.

High Ankle Sprain

There are injuries that we can get when we play sports or make a sudden movement with our feet. And one of them is ankle sprains. This is caused by a partial or complete tearing in the ligaments in this area.

Scenar – Is it the Future For Pain Management and Accelerated Healing?

Imagine there was a way to treat pain and acute health conditions quickly and effectively without complications and side effects, to be able to reverse many chronic diseases that are seen as irreversible by the mainstream orthodox medical fraternity. Now imagine that this treatment can be delivered by a hand held device no bigger than a TV remote control, weighs less than 300 grams, runs on three 1.5 volt batteries for months at a time, needs minimal training and can act as a heart defibrillator. If all this sounds too good to be true then you have never experienced Scenar technology close up.

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