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7 Tips for Neck Pain Management at Home

Usually a stiff neck or neck pain is fairly common and not anything worrisome. The stiffness and the pain usually go away by itself in a few days, or a few weeks, and nothing serious in most cases.

Chiropractic Philosophy On Pain Management And Treatment

Chiropractic practice is known to have helped patients recover and achieve better health. Understanding the philosophy behind chiropractic gives a better view on how this practice treats your pain.

Eliminating Pain and Inflammation – Here Is How To Do It!

What you eat does matter. When a part of your body suffers an infection or injury, your immune system responds by gathering its ammunition of nutrients and immune cells to the affected area. This defense mechanism facilitates of healing, but at the same time can result in inflammation in the affected area. Minor cases of inflammation are just the beginning of something. In time this becomes more severe and causes excessive or debilitating pain; you already could be suffering from chronic inflammation. You need to start paying attention to the concept of inflammation since chronic inflammation is known to cause illness such as colitis, diabetes and arthritis. As part of a holistic anti inflammatory diet, some vegetables will increase inflammation and joint pain. Although a natural remedy is better. The use of anti inflammatory drugs over a long period of time such as ibuprofen and naproxen has adverse side effects that include the risk of heart attacks, strokes, and gastrointestinal problems.

Living With Lupus or Fibromyalgia

Chronic Pain can destroy the joy of life. How you perceive it and handle it has a tremendous impact on your life. Lupus and fibromyalgia are similar as they are both autoimmune disorders and cause chronic pain.

How to Get Relief From Knee Pain? – Four Natural Cures

Knee pain is a commonly occurring malady. It affects many people at different stages of their life. Sometimes the pain is dull and will go away within a few days even without your going for any treatment.

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