5 Scariest Facts About the Cannabis Industry
Easy Steps on Sciatic Nerve Pain Relief If you have experienced burning or aching pain on your low back with weakness of the lower leg, you experience the most common…
Marijuana Stocks to Watch This Week and More Cannabis Legalization News
Stopping Pain: The Only Two Things That Count When we’re in pain, the first thing we normally think of is how to turn it off, or at least turn it…
Marijuana Legalization Bills Died In Three States This Week As Others Move Forward
Common Symptoms and Causes of Shoulder Pain Shoulder pain can be debilitating. Learn typical symptoms and potential causes to receive better treatment. Chronic Pain Cannot Be Ridden of With Medication…
Biden Fires Staffers for Past Pot Use, House Reintroduces SAFE Banking Act
Internal Disc Disruption (IDD), Discography And Osteopathy When it comes to pain management, people today have plenty of options. However, treatment will depend on the cause of pain. Osteopathy can…
Schumer Marijuana Bill Will Stop Big Alcohol And Tobacco From Dominating Market
Get Rid of Musculoskeletal Pain The human musculoskeletal system is widely known as the locomotor system. This is an organ system that enables humans the ability to move by the…
SAFE Banking Act Back to Senate – Coronavirus & Safe Banking Act – CARES 2.0
Using Fluoroscopy in Pain Management Injections It is truly remarkable what fluoroscopy has done for the field of interventional pain management. Fluoroscopy is a fancy term for the x-ray machine…
Emergency Cannabis Small Business Health and Safety Act Covid-19 relief bill for Cannabis Businesses
The Basics of Rotator Cuff Disease The rotator cuff entails four muscles around the shoulder which heavily contribute to shoulder stability. These 4 muscles include the subscapularis muscle, which moves…
Federal Cannabis Legalization News April 2020
Inflammation, What Is It? This article gives you basic information on what inflammation is and common symptoms associated with inflammation. It tells you what happens if a natural inflammatory response…
Kentucky and Alabama Might Get Medical Marijuana, Safe Banking Act Still not Safe
Admittance To Any Pain Management Center Will Offer Multi-Discipline Comprehensive Care A pain management center can be a great source of help for people who suffer from chronic pain no…
Trump’s Marijuana Budget & SAFE Banking Act in Senate
Primary Factors That Cause an Ingrown Fingernail We know that it is quite tough to get rid of an ingrown fingernail. Therefore, we will discuss here the factors that cause ingrown…