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Does “Light Therapy” Help Neuropathy Pain?
Peripheral neuropathy or malfunctioning nerves in the feet or hands are becoming more and more common. Often they are related to systemic diseases such as diabetes, but may be present even without diabetic related conditions. This nerve condition can present as numbness or tingling, but often can present as significant pain. For this reason, there continues to be multiple “medication” treatments to treat the symptoms of neuropathy, but these are usually not designed to resolve the problem.
Ice is Nice, But is Heat Neat For Injuries?When it comes to running injuries, the woman who asked the question is right – 95% of the time. Why is icing (known by health professionals as cryotherapy or cold therapy) so effective in treating running injuries?
8 Ways to Avoid Muscle PainMuscle pain can be a dull ache or a throbbing “charley horse.” It can be a strain, cramp, spasm or muscle tear. No matter what its description, a variety of things can cause muscle pain- overuse, dehydration, heat, cold, or even a more serious condition that requires medical attention.
Treatment of Cavus Foot Deformity With the DonJoy Arch RivalFoot pain, and in particular, arch pain affects millions of people each year. While the most common cause of this pain is improper shoe gear, hereditary foot structure is a major factor in the development and progression of these foot conditions. The media is currently flooded with info-merchials and advertisements regarding arch supports, orthotics and cushioned innersoles as a way of dealing with this national foot emergency.
Tired of Walking on a Bed of Red Hot Rocks? Here Are 7 of the Best Treatments For Plantar FasciitisDo you sometimes feel like your feet are burning and throbbing, especially in the heel? Here are 7 tips to help you heal your plantar fasciitis and make it feel like you are walking on air.
Tired of Walking on a Bed of Red Hot Rocks? Here Are 7 of the Best Treatments For Plantar FasciitisDo you sometimes feel like your feet are burning and throbbing, especially in the heel? Here are 7 tips to help you heal your plantar fasciitis and make it feel like you are walking on air.
Fibromyalgia – Top Tips For CopingCoping with the physical pains linked to this medical condition can be too much to handle at some point. However, it is also realistic to recognize that that there are inevitable emotional and mental issues that need to be dealt with as well.
Knee Pain & Teenie Tiny MovementsHere is a concept that I believe is very import in the quest to understanding your Knee Pain. That is the teenie tiny movements (intrinsic) in your knee joint.
Cure ShinglesI had Shingles and the pain was sometimes almost unbearable. I sought help from many different types of healers and I found what worked. If you have Shingles, you MUST use the right type of healer immediately, or the illness will drag on for months.
Cure Plantar FasciitisI had Plantar Fasciitis and the pain was unbearable. I sought help from many different types of healers and I found what worked. If you have Plantar Fasciitis, you MUST use the right type of healer immediately, or the illness will drag on for your whole life.
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