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Use Mindfulness to Relieve Suffering Without Painkillers
What if you have an innate ability to transform how you relate to pain that not only releases you from suffering, but also heals the cause of your pain itself? In this article, we explore two fascinating insights about your experience of pain and a technique that empowers healing!
When Should Neck Pain Be A Concern?Just got neck pain and not sure if it should be a huge concern or not? Let’s figure this out into this article.
Exercises and Workouts – Four Common Causes Of Knee PainPainful knees are by far one of the most aggravating conditions for anyone who is serious about their fitness pursuits. Even if you are just a weekend warrior, getting knocked down by knee pain is never a fun time. But yet, it happens time and time again. By understanding the common causes of knee pain, you can put your best foot forward in avoiding these issues in the future.
Fibromyalgia Deep Breathing Exercise for Pain ReliefFibromyalgia is a hard to describe disease to someone who doesn’t know what the symptoms are and how much pain a person is in at any given time.A person with fibromyalgia may be up today but down tomorrow, it really is a case of one day at a time. Finding ways to get relief from the pain can become challenging, I have put together a Fibromyalgia breathing plan to help with the pain…
Safer Methods for Pain ManagementMany people suffer from acute or chronic pain. Spinal conditions, such as neck and lower back pain, contribute to a significant amount of those suffering various degrees of discomfort. This article will address safe alternative treatment options for pain- and non-drug options to combat our nations opioid epidemic.
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