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What Are the Treatments Available for Sacroiliac Joint Disease?
One of the biggest causes of low back pain is sacroiliac joint disease, also known as the SI joint. The SI joint is located at the bottom of the low back region and there’s one on each side. It is at the point where the pelvis connects to the sacrum.
Maybe Fibromyalgia Really Is All-In-Your-Head?Using some Star wars-like technology, brain researchers have the cause (and more effective treatment) of fibromyalgia in their sights. Let me explain. The pain processing centers called the insula are overly active and hyper-excitable in the brain of fibromyalgia patients. In fibro patients the insula has been shown to respond excessively to pain signals arising from the body.
An Overview of Lateral Epicondylitis Also Known As Tennis ElbowTennis elbow is an extremely common condition that causes elbow pain and decreased function. The medical term for tennis elbow is lateral epicondylitis, but it commonly occurs from many other activities besides tennis. Regardless, that is the term people use.
Find Relief For Your Spinal Disc InjurySpinal discs, or intervertebral discs, are ring-like pads situated between the bones or vertebrae of our spinal column, protecting those bones from rubbing against each other. Each disc is made up of an outer, fibrous membrane called the annulus fibrosus, which houses the soft, inner core called the nucleus pulposus. When the nucleus pulposus protrudes due to a tear in the annulus fibrosus, it is termed as spinal disc herniation.
What Therapeutic Treatments Help NeuropathyNeuropathy is a general term denoting disturbances in the normal functioning of the peripheral nerves. The causes of neuropathy are varied and so is the treatment. Many a times, the neuropathy is almost irreversible and the treatment is mainly focused on preventing further progression of the nerve damage and other supportive measures to prevent any complications due to neuropathy.
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