Florida Cannabis Laws – Dustin Robinson – Mr. Cannabis Law

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The Variety of Treatments Offered by Chiropractors and How They Fit in With Modern Pain Management

With each passing year into the 21st-century chiropractic treatment in United States has become more and more popular. Medical insurance companies are recognizing the medical benefits of chiropractic treatment and are including it more and more on their payment schedules. Over 10% of the population has been to see a chiropractor for pain relief.

Over The Counter Pain Management Alternatives To Opioids

Pain pill addiction is a humongous problem in the United States. For instance, in the state of Florida there are an average of 7 deaths a day due to narcotic overdose. In the last 10 years, research has shown that there has been over a 100% increase in narcotic prescriptions in the United States.

Fundamentals of PAIN?

Pain is “an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience arising from actual or potential tissue damage or described in terms of such damage.” Pain has the dubious distinction of being the most common symptom for which a person approaches medical care. There are many sources of pain. One way of dividing these sources of pain is to divide them into two groups, nociceptive pain and neuropathic pain. How pain is treated depends in large part upon what type of pain it is.

Why Pain Cream Is Effective

Chronic pain sufferers have surrendered to the conclusion that cures are non-existent, root causes too deep and far gone to resolve without invasive surgery or addictive drugs. Available, with a certain degree of safety designed for lives to be lived as normal as possible, are methods that have proven useful; those including positive thinking, exercise, diet, good music, books, poetry and art.

A Large Percentage of Pain Management Patients Are Undertreated

A new survey that was accomplished this year in the United States shows that in an outpatient setting patients typically receive inadequate pain relief of pain that is acute of the moderate to severe variety. The statistic was actually at 44% inadequate pain treatment. The survey was from the Physicians Partnering Against Pain, which is one of the largest pain management surveys of both physicians and individual patients done in America.

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