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Several Advantages of Using an Inversion Table

The inversion therapy dates back to 400BC when Hippocrates was there. He was known as the father o medicine. He used to hang the patients upside down who suffered from back pain.

What to Do When Muscles Hurt

When it comes to pain we can barely handle it. Not just any pain but specifically muscle pain. Because our bodies are made up mainly of muscle we tend to search for the quickest way to relieve the sore area. Here is how to solve the problem.

5 Common Sports Injuries: Their Prevention and Treatment

Sports injuries could be complicated at times. In such cases, patients need to follow the instructions given by doctors. The most common types of hurts could be easily prevented if one is careful and take the necessary precautions.

6 Home Tips to Manage Hand and Leg Pain

Over exertion, age and our sedentary lifestyles are the main causes of leg and hand pain and it affects all age groups. At home, this pain can be easily conquered with small changes like applying a cold compress, making an Epsom salt soak and gentle massage on the affected area can help relieve the pain. Also drinking 8-10 glasses of water, taking time to do simple exercises and investing in hand and leg support products can not only prevent and relieve pain in the long run, but also ensure that you do stay far away from the hospital and pain medication!

Post-Traumatic Fibromyalgia From Car Accidents

Post-Traumatic Fibromyalgia can be caused from car accidents and other traumatic events. MidCity Injury Clinic chiropractors in Columbus, Ohio explain that “Fibromyalgia is a common condition causing painful muscles. The pain is severe and involves many muscles as well as tendons, ligaments, and other soft tissue areas. Distinct areas of tenderness in specific locations called ‘tender points’ are characteristic findings especially after a car accident.”

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